Mommy! Mommy! Mommy ! ~ Little Princes was glad to see me, she missed me.
Moooooommmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ~ Flutter Nutter was happy to see me.
Daddy's Buddy ran, he didn't want a hug. When asked if he missed me, his response, "One day." (Told dad later, he replied, "Must have been the day he got into trouble with me.)
I asked Hockey Player if he missed me, "I dunno know." Later, he asked me to trim his nails. He indicated that he was glad I was home to do so, cause last time I was gone, dad didn't so good of a job at trimming nails.
Big O Daddy O, he missed me. He even told me how much he appreciated me. By Tuesday (a week into the trip) he was toast.
3 out of 5 not so bad.
Fun Mom and I had a wonderful time. Pictures to come. Took about 700. Fun Mom took over a 1000, LOL. She was shutter happy. We traveled over 1000 miles in Ireland and Northern Ireland in 7 days. Very glad we kept journals because the days began to blur together.