The morning after a sleepless night and I must write these thoughts and memories down before I forget. There just might come a day I need to hand some of these stories over to the children I am blogging about.
It has been an interesting week to say the least.
Monday started off busy as always. Tuesday came along and I scratched my plans to head out for the evening and opted to curl up with the kids and ice cream. It would have been better for all of us if we had headed out. Approaching 7:00 and with bedtime looming I told these sweethearts to get a move on, get ready for bed, get their ice cream and lets watch this movie or there won't be time before lights out. What sweet, obedient children they are, the obeyed and got busy. Daddy's Buddy hurried to do my bidding and ran into his brother's bowl of ice cream. Hockey Player came into the room and said DB was crying because he ran into his bowl. Not too alarmed, not hearing the cries, I didn't think too much of it.
In walks Daddy's Buddy and blood is running down his face and I see a hole to the side of his eye. I YELL, "Go to the kitchen!" Of course, then everyone is wanting to know what is wrong. I just know I want blood on the kitchen floor, not the carpet and everywhere else. We have done that before.
Quick call to Immediate Care and they have a pediatrician on duty that can do stitches. Into the car with DB and the rest stay home to watch the movie and eat ice cream. As we are leaving DB asks, "What about my ice cream?" To which I holler into the house, "Put DB's and my ice cream in the freezer please. Bedtime is 8:30"
But it only gets better. The receptionist, nurses and doctor all ask, "How did you cut yourself?"
DB and I respond with, "Ran into a bowl of ice cream?"
"No, really, what happened?"
Me: "Really, he ran into a bowl of ice cream."
I then have to explain the looming bedtime, the movie they want to watch and ice cream they want to eat and the hurry to grab a bowl and get sat down for the movie. Then they want to know what kind of bowl. A normal, rounded, cereal bowl, that is very cold with ice cream. In response, we discover this is a first for them. Bowl of ice cream takes out boy! Then I pull a mom moment, as they get everything ready to numb and stitch. There is a little (much littler) girl out there waiting to be stitched as well. I tell DB he has to be really brave and not scare her with lots of screaming and crying.
2 Stitches later and lots of bravery on his part we are home eating ice cream and watching Tangled. DB is appropiately impressed with Rapunzel's ability with a cast iron skillet.
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