Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mom had to join the fun!

I haven't been all too busy this week. Since having kids I have had experienced my share of excitement. Stitches, staples, broken noses, arms, surgeries, hospitalizations (kids and me) and eventful pregnancies. Not to mention all the scares they have given us with various head injuries. I still believe it all comes from their dad's side of the family. :) Could not be the mom's side, even if she was a tree climber. LOL So it is my turn. I am down and quiet this week with a concussion! Of course, I don't have any fabulous story to tell. I was cleaning house! I am trying to rest in God's manner of getting me to slow down. It has been hard to sit and do nothing. Reading even hurts! Focusing on children's voices hurt. Moving around too much causes the head to ache! For those of you who are reading. Pray for me, cause this momma doesn't like to just sit and do nothing. I did manage to do a few spelling assessments today before I had to rest. The kids are thrilled at the no school! We were suppose to start this week. Never have I seen children relish the do-nothing days that they have had this week. My husband too, since he has had to stay home and help with the kiddos. Movies, creative play and computer babbling they have done. We did watch a good movie together. Penelope. Very sweet movie. Even the guys enjoyed.