If I might say so, I have the greatest kids ever.
This past week though my oldest daughter has been blessing me and the family tremendously.
I am down for the count and not worth much of anything.
Fun Mom has cooked. She has cleaned. She has entertained younger siblings.
She has worked ahead in school. She has done laundry.
She has tried to take care of her momma.
She is missing a youth group party tonight.
She is not complaining or asking if she can work out a way to still go.
She's taking care of her momma.
I am blessed to tears.
I wish my body would cooperate and kick this whatever it is, 8 days down is too long.
I have too much to do. I have a precious little lady I want to do something for.
I keep trying to focus on this quote on my bathroom mirror....
My mom sent it to me 2 yrs. ago almost to the day.
It is from the book, Jesus is Calling
Accept each day exactly as it comes to you. By that, I mean not only the circumstances of your day but also the condition of your body. Your assignment is to trust Me absolutely, resting in My sovereignty and faithfulness. On some days, your circumstances and your physical condition feel out of balance: the demands on you seem far greater than your strength. days like that present a choice between two alernatives--giving up or relying on Me. Even if you wrongly choose the first alternative, I will not reject. You can turn to Me at any point, and I will help you crawl out of the mire of discouragement. I will infuse My strength into you moment by moment, giving you all that you need for that day. Trust me, by relying on My empowering Presence.
Psalm 43:52, 2 Corinthians 13:4, Jeremiah 31:25