Considering how busy we have been around here, you would think there would be stories to tell. Although there have been smiles, giggles and laughter, nothing that merited me dropping all that was being done to quickly type a memory before it was forgotten.
Fun Mom and I spent a week working at the church garage sale. Part of the money earned at the sale is divided up among students into a fund for each of them. This helps pay for camps and mission trips. When not working at the sale, I was crazy busy listing things on Ebay. Cleaning out closets and making up lesson plans for this school year.
In the midst of it, my laptop was attacked. Fortunately, Big O Daddy O came to my rescue and fought off the monsters that threatened my organizational lifelines. In the process I he loaded Windows 7 on it. I am thinking I like Windows 7. Fun Mom is disappointed. She was hoping to claim the "wonderous software," BODO brought home from his business trip.
I have worked a couple more shifts at Bingo. We are ever so grateful to the people who offer us their shifts first when they can't work. By the time hockey starts up we will have this year's fees covered and enough set aside to cover equipment costs. These boys think it is okay to keep growing. Hockey Player is up to my shoulder now, maybe a little taller. Little Princess is not far behind.
This past week we started school. HOrror of horrors around here. I hear daily from Daddy's Buddy that it is still summer and there should be no school during summer. What he doesn't realize is that it was purely a loving, protective thing I did in starting their lessons. We have had the hottest days lately. Hitting 109 on two days. Noone wants to be outside. The pool has not been an option. I've been afraid of the burning that would occur on three of the five children in spite of sunscreen and swim shirts. Being cooped up, too much tv, and hot has led to bickering that the momma can't tolerate. The cure...homework! Start now, and take a fall break later when the weather just screams to be enjoyed and it is horribly hard to resist.
So now we are in the day to day school grind. Couple of the kiddos are interested in working ahead which thrills my momma heart. Nothing like getting business done so there is freedom to play when the mood hits.