I love Spring! I love new flowers blooming. I love flowering trees. The poking ups of green stems and leaves of new plants breaking through the ground. I love new baby green grass.
I don't love pollen and sneezing and snuffling. But I love the warmth of the sun and the cool breezes. I love the sounds of children playing outside.
It doesn't mean I don't love the other 3 seasons. There are things I love about all the seasons and what they represent. So I try to be content in the season I am in presently. Figuratively and literally. Life. It is what it is. Sometimes, life is hard. Sometimes, it is really hard. Othertimes, life is not so bad, pretty good actually. But always there is something beautiful and something to love about each moment. God can use all these moments for His glory and I choose to focus and stand on that rock and promise.
This has been a difficult winter. I know I have posted that. I have struggled with how much to blog and share. So I have been mostly silent through the past winter. Instead, clinging to the promises in God's Word. He has a plan for our lives. Plans for our good, not to harm us. He uses all things for His glory.
Winter has a cozy effect on me. I like to curl up and stay warm. But I need sunshine. So much so, that during the winter I have been known to rearrange the furniture so I can curl up and soak in the sunbeams shining through the windows. I love sunshine. I open all the blinds much to the annoyance of some family members. Gotta have that sunshine. It has been suggested that I might consider getting a light or two for my home. The kind of lights that simulate sunshine and help with seasonal depression related to the gray and gloomy days of winter. It is being considered. We have had a child diagnosed with a mood disorder and have struggled through the process of medications this winter. We are getting to know this child for the first time. Who this child is without the mood issues. We know all of our children are amazing and fearfully & wonderfully made.
But we missed the sensitivity a child is able to express. The hugs that young children give. We are working on finding a balance with medications and side effects. On the other hand, we are enjoying some of the side effects... Hugs! Laughter! Contentment! Joking! The little notes of love and tenderness children leave all over the home. In the midst of cleaning this weekend, I rediscovered the window markers. This is what I found this afternoon on the windows.
Along with the changes of season outside, I like the energy that seems to explode in our beings with the coming of Spring. The extra energy that enables us to clean the gardens. The energy that allows children toplay for hours on end outside. The energy that seems to encourage creativity and playfulness. So of course, I couldn't let him have all the fun. I like to joke and tease. That means when you have an ultra cool tween age boy who can't be caught dead showing any affection to his mother in front of anyone. He even waits to give good night hugs to me, when noone was around. Oops the secret is out! hee, hee So I couldn't help myself, I had to announce my love to this other son of mine. I got a shake of the head and a grimace smile. Sometime later, there was a response written back. Not sure if one of the girls tried their own hand at teasing their brother. Maybe, he wrote it. He won't ever admit it though. But I will take what I get. I will enjoy the seasons for all the bring.
On the front door no less. Wondering when he will wash it off. Before his friends come over?