........and still not getting anywhere.
It is late and my research on the internet has netted me no greater insight to my delimma. A week long getaway with hubby to relax, discuss and plan is no where in the near future. The topic at hand: Home School Scheduling, year round vs. traditional public school schedule with some flexibility.
I am all for the year round. But I imagine it being incredibly difficult to manage in our neighborhood and our social circles. Mutiny from children who have friends not in school and they have lessons to do. Nevermind, there will be days they are off from school when their friends aren't. They want their cake and to eat it too. I have it tenatively planned out. 3 day school weeks in the spring and/or summer. 4 day school weeks during the remainder of the year. 10 weeks off throughout the year.
Why do I hesitate? I get tired. Tired of mustering the enthusiasm "to do school". Tired of the monotony. Home schooling is great. But it isn't easy. Currently there is the dread of the end of May and not being done. Which means we have to go into summer. Which means no break for momma. Momma needs a break. I
MEAN Momma
NEEDS a Break!
Schooling was easier when there was one and then two. I didn't REALLY understand that it was easier. I was struggling to get things done with toddlers and newborns and sleep deprivation. I listened to moms when they said it wouldn't get any easier. I just didn't understand why it wouldn't. Now I have a general idea. 7 individual personalities under one roof. Many different learning styles. Seven beautifully and wonderfully knitted by God, distinctfully, different people with (
Oh MY!) sin natures! ! On a good day, only one of the seven struggle with a sin nature that disrupts the flow of the day. But watch out, for the day
s, when there is more than one at a time. And beware of when the Momma has her moments. Cause she has her moments and she doesn't get to just send the kids off for the day and have her moment privately! Throw in a week or two of sick days. Family emergencies, grandparents, activities, spring like winter days and spring fever and it is a wonder that we ever accomplish anything. My youngest two have completed preschool via PBS! Gotta love PBS, they know how to count to 20 and recognize their letters.
Which all leads to the researching I have been doing. A lot of research and little data collected. What I have been trying to discover is what is it really like homeschooling year round? What are the pitfalls? the difficulties? I have one kiddo who needs a regular schedule all the time. Disrupt the routine and it can take weeks to get back on track. That alone, is the reason for our interest in year round schooling. Then again this kid is savvy enough to know other kids get the summer off from school. I have to agree, the idea of 3 months off and just "playing" is wonderful. For this homeschool mom, just to be mom and not teacher is just delightful! So what do we do?
Haven't figured that out yet. But it is making me look really hard at the way we have been "schooling." Still thinking, praying and pondering.