Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daniel's Calendar and Daily to do List in his own words

When asked, "What do you do on ---(fill in the day of the week)? D answers
Sunday : "spankings and Batman"
Monday: "Spiderman and spankings and Scooby Doo"
Tuesdays: "I go potty." "Take a bath"
Wednesdays: "spankings"
Thursdays: "go to my bed and get spankings"
Friday: "Batman, the Brave and the Bold."
Saturday: "Batman, the Brave and the Bold."

You must like spankings? (says Dad) "Yeah," says Daniel.

If you ask him, "When do you eat dinner?" or "go to bed" or whatever else you can think.
Daniel responds, "Tuesdays."

It sure sounds like he gets a whole lot of spankings. However, normally "the look" from Mom or Dad does the trick and he takes off running to do what he is told with a giggle or two. So I have no clue why he is fascinated with spankings. He, also, has reverted to doing something questionable, looks at me and then spanks himself with his hand and grins.

I did it!

I ran a whole mile today without stopping to walk or catch my breath!
May not seem much but after 5 children and pregnancies that required bed rest, allergies that sometimes causes asthma like symptoms I am excited!
Took lots of blocking everything out, I even ran with my eyes closed at one point so I could focus and lots of focused breathing like I do in Yoga!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

An addition to the "Never thought I would say this as Mom" List

Dear 5 yr. old son, obviously has something in his hands in his pants.
Mom says, "Son get your hands out of your pants and whatever else you have in there."
"The only thing that is suppose to be in your pants is attached to you."
Giggles all around by the older ones.
Son says, "But it is for you, Mom."
Imagine great big eyes and lots of inner groaning.
"Its a strawberry." as he reaches to put it back in the refrigerator.
Dad intercepts the strawberry.
Nothing says loving like a warmed up strawberry.....eye rolling, sarcasm here!

Homeschooling through growth spurts!

Why is it children are hungry all through their school lessons?
So hungry they just can't sit still and work.
They consistently ask for snacks. The answer is NO!
Lunch is almost ready.
They are drooling and can hardly contain themselves.
We sit down.
Now they can't possibly eat,
because they have too much to say!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Mom when I am 30.....?

Will I be out of the house? asks M on the way to hockey.
"Honey, if you are still living in the house when you are 30, I will kick you out (said with a smile and chuckle). "
"Okay, what about when I am 29?"
S pipes up, "You are out of the house when you are done with high school and college. I think it takes 6 years to finish them." "Mom, which comes first college or high school."
"High school, then college."
"Can you be done in 6 years?"
"If you work hard enough."
"Well how long does high school normally take?"
"4 years."
"Well how long does college take?"
"Depends on how hard you work, normally 4-5 years."
I never did think to ask why it was important to know when they would be out of the house. I was just tickled by the thought patterns of those two.
M did make it clear she had no desire to go to college.
S made it clear, you went to college and finished & when and only when you were finished you moved out.
Hmmm, I wonder who will move out first?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a Mom does not want to hear!

After being gone for 4 hours running errands, I just couldn't help but laugh after I walked in the door. What mom wouldn't want to be greeted with the following words coming from Dad.
"Where did you put it?" "Where did you put your poop?"
At the same time dear 3 yr. old son comes running to say
"You're home Mommy!"
And he is butt naked!
Holding a diaper in front of himself trying to be modest!
Off he goes with Dad to show him where he put his poop!
I think I came home too early!
I think I should rename this blog to have something to do with the joys of having two young boys so close together after having 3 very easy older children!

Clean those knees-n- toes and Head & Shoulders

This is N! We adore N! He has personality oozing from every bit of his being. He loves spikey hair and likes it to be really done up so the hockey helmet he wears doesn't mess it up. He likes his hair to look different than D's. I think this is because I tend to say the wrong name when talking to the two of them and it irritates him. Most things about D irritate him. (On a side note, I am starting to call him by S's name more often now.) As Dara knows, and finds tremendous humor in the fact, Saturday is bath/shower night. All kiddos get cleaned up for church on Sunday. So N is in the shower. I remind him we gotta really wash his hair good. He uses

cause he has the driest scalp ever and flakes really bad if we don't use it. So this Saturday night, I ask if he wants help washing his hair....He does. All of a sudden he starts yelling while I am scrubbing his head.. "MY SHOULDERS, MY SHOULDERS"
Well it is called Head and Shoulders...
So I rub his shoulders and he quits hollering!
Maybe one day I will explain the shoulder part is about flakes falling to the shoulders.
For now, I will chuckle and blog.