So my Office Max order arrived 3 days earlier than expected. It arrived less than 24 hours after I placed my order. Totally shocked! I only ordered online, cause the prices were less than in the store. I got to collect Ebates on my purchase and my order was large enough to get free shipping. Who knew it would come from the store just down the street.
Completely thrilled to get a box of school supplies. Yep, school supplies. I am color coding kids this year and didn't want to wait for a better sale and possibly not get the colors the kids had chosen for themselves. ;)
Pulled out the binders. Instructed the kids to decorate their coversheets to slip in the front of the binders. My girls instantly asked me to do the fancy writing they like so much.
Since I was feeling especially maternal and sweet, I agreed. I actually wanted to take a nap. I asked for a foot rub while I did their papers. One agreed to the foot rub. The other supervised me. Flutter Nutter was ecstatic at the prospect of doing school. I wrote his "letters" for him. He got out stickers and began to decorate. right. there. beside. me. Have I mentioned there are times my kids have to do everything really, I mean really, close to me. So close, that Flutter Nutter and I had this conversation:
Me: FN, please don't kick me. (remember he is really close to me)
FN: ok! squiggle, wiggle
Me: FN, please don't kick me.
FN: ok! squiggle, wiggle
Me: FN, stop kicking me.
FN: I'm not kicking you.
Me: Deep breathe, exhale, LIGHT BULB (Thank you, Lord for your heavenly wisdom)
Me: FN, stop wiggling so much that you touch me.
FN: OH, Ok! Scoots over and continues his project.
Totally all about one's perspective.