I have this theory. I have, even in a brief embarrassing moment for my daughter, spoke to another teenager about my theory at an athletic event in Oklahoma. Amazing what conversations can be had in a hotel elevator. He nodded his head and agreed I had a point.
What is this theory?
Take your teenager's age and subtract ten. That is their true age. You just thought when you made it through the 2s and 3s life was going to get better. Think crazed psycho laughter coming from me.
The joys of 5 children in 10 years. When my first was thirteen the last was 3. I saw first hand one day when they both CHOSE to have a tantrum within minutes of each other. Now I must say my oldest and youngest have a lot of similarities in their personalities. That was my aha moment. 5 years later it has been observed by this Momma to be true more than not!
Today my 14 year old gave me flash backs to his younger years. Gave him a job, took a shower and came back and it wasn't done. Deer in the head lights look. You meant now?? (or rather then?) Now he did apply some critical thinking but his critical thinking led him straight back to the same choices he made when he was 4. Look charming and absent of his mind! I watch my younger two closely... 8 and 10. I. IN. FOR. IT!!!
Today the 8 year old is crying because I set a timer for a handful of problems to be done in 30 minutes. He would rather do the soccer homework for his coach on You Tube. Yeah, whatever. While he cries, he announces..."My head hurts!" "There is no way I can do this!" and the clincher, "I Hate my life!!!" To which the almost 18 year old giggles and says, "I hate mine too."
The 8 year old asks, "Why, because you are short?"
The almost 18 year old, "NO, because, I am almost 18 and have to pay bills and work!"
The almost 18 year old at some point also rolled her eyes an sighed..."The drama!!"
Yeah exactly!
So all you moms of youngers....I am warning it, enjoy them as they are cause they are who they are and are and they only get older... the drama gets more dramatic, the tantrums only get bigger and cluelessness loses some of its charm.
We won't even discuss the prayers I say regarding the 10 year old.... He has his own set of quirks...like books belong in the closet and clothes belong on the bookshelf. Beds are not for sleeping in...
At least, I get a good laugh now and then.
Lest you think it is all bad, it isn't. They reach a certain wonderfulness between 9 and 12...They are helpful and capable and sometimes want to learn new things around the house. Then they regress....A LOT!. While they may act like the youngest you once knew ten years ago, you can have more intelligent conversations with them...just not when they have relapsed 10 years for whatever hormonal or emotional reason at the moment. Deep breathes. LAUGH!! it helps, just not when they are in their moment...run hide in the closet and laugh like a crazy person!