This year Daddy's Buddy chose to be a part of Cub Scouts. It was a hard choice, but hockey and Cub Scouts were at the same time. Cloning was just not an option for my boy. Scouting has been a little nerve wracking for me, cause it is so out of my comfort zone. Big O Daddy O's work keeps him from participating as much as he would like, so I try to fill in the best that I can. I am learning all sorts of new things. And I am learning more about my son as he grows in character and in knowledge of what it means to grow to be a man.
January means Pinewood Derby time. Fortunately, I have a bit of experience with the Awana Grand Prix. 7 years to be exact. So, even though the process was a bit different, I didn't feel like a fish out of water. I am always nervous about the first year for each kiddo. Nervous how they will do, and how they will react to the results. I just want them to be okay, no matter what.
I have this horrid way of going into competitions thinking the worst.
The wheels will pop off. I won't be able to help or fix it.
They will lose and be devastated and cry great big crocodile tears.
They won't have fun.
I have no idea why.
7 years now and I still get nervous.
We still have fun.
We still end the races talking about next year, what they will do differently and how the next car should be designed.
Daddy's Buddy was all business. Serious, matter of fact and watchful.
He was a great sportsman, which made this momma happy.
He was the kind of competitor this momma hoped he would be!
To top it all off, he WON!
Even better is first through third place in each den gets to go to District.
A new change.
Which means all 3 boys in the den get to go together!
They were all so excited for the news.