Sunday, April 26, 2009

What big eyes you have! ~ Makeover part 2

Well that is not what the eye dr. said. They had a horrible time getting the contacts in the first time. Her eyes are little, or so says the dr.
I couldn't decide between pics. There are the growing up pics, and there are the ones that reflect the little girl still there.
All in all, I think she is beautiful on the inside and it reflects out!


eurekan at heart said...

she looks like her mama! What a beautiful young lady!

A JoyFilled Life said...

Oh Abigail, You've always been a pretty little girl, and now you're a Beautiful young lady. It must feel so wonderful to have those braces off, and now contacts! What fun!

Love you!

Cav5Mom said...

She is an amazing young lady. I am blessed to know her!