Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daddy's Buddy Turns Eight!

February is Daddy's Buddy's Birthday month.
This year, much to my relief, his birthday went off without much hubaloo.
No sickness, no hospitalization, no drama!
It was Super Bowl Sunday, so we did have to do some strategizing to get all the celebrating done.
In my husband's family, noone cancels Super Bowl, not even for a birthday.
Good thing he wasn't born on a Super Bowl Sunday!

Warm cozy from Aunt Shell

 Super Fun books for reading while curled up with his cozy from
Colorado family.
Flashlight for camp this summer from Big Bro and Big Sis

Star Wars Legos

Remote Control Hummer
He read the packaging on everything. 
Kind of nice for taking pictures,
lots of stillness in his body while he studied and absorbed the fullness of each gift.

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

No, that can't be! Eight years old. It seems he should still be about four. I'm glad he had a good birthday despite the conflict with the Super Bowl!