Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Laundry woes!

A couple of weeks ago I had to stop using my essential oils...another story in of itself. They were helping. I was speaking and starting to function more normal. Then it was time for my neurological testing and they wanted a base line of me not on the oils. So half the testing was done, and the snow arrived. The second half of testing was canceled and my washing machine died. We do a lot of laundry but for some reason snow play generates more laundry.

Maybe it is because The Man feels it is necessary to wear 5 pairs of socks and 3 pairs of pants to go play outside.
Maybe it is because the kids come in after an hour, strip down and change clothes so they can warm up...just to repeat the process before the first set of clothes have dried.

It is after all snow. Slightly frozen water. Dry them and wear them again..,, unless of course they are left on the floor to be trumped on by dirty shoes and dog paws.".

So on a good day, when I was feeling productive, I stopped in at the library to read the consumer report recommendations for washing machines and dryers. I took pictures of the charts and paragraphs I wanted to read to hubby with my I Phone and headed home to do further research.

Disgusted, I am with the current state of washing machine business.

I am to only expect a washing machine to last 5-10 years. 6-8 years is most realistic.

The repair guy who diagnosed our current washer informed us that retailers are price fixing machines forcing manufacturers to cut corners and quality.

I wish I had invested the money in our first Maytag to have it repaired. It was a sturdy solid machine. But I was lured away with the promise of a bigger tub, more efficient spinning. Our latest machine is just under 8 years old. Its first demise was less than two years ago and under extended warranty. The motor died. This time the motor died and I did not catch things in time and water got into the electronics and fried them.

Why on earth do the manufacturers think electronics and water go together?
Why create something that when the motor dies during the spin cycle it send water into the control panel?

Stupid. I know I used the S-word.  But really???!!!??? !!!

I have read all sort of reviews...electronics problems....mold and mildew....have to clean the washing machine on a regular basis.... Wash the washing machine? Really? Like I don't have enough to do already?

So we bought this beauty.  She arrives tomorrow!

I helped my dad pick her out a couple of years ago.
No electronics.
Easy to load and empty.
I have used it through both times my washer has died. No issues. And best part, doesn't cost $1000.
No frills.
The only thing I don't know is longevity.
But the whole process of washing clothes is simplified for my kids in training.
By the weekend the laundry should be whipped back into shape....maybe!

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