Monday, July 1, 2013

Counting some more...

Counting is good, we all do it.  We count the number of heads, just to make sure we leave no one behind.  We count our money. We count to 10 to keep from losing our minds.  We count and count.  Sometimes we find it easier to keep track of the negatives, like in our checking accounts.  Life starts weighing us down.  I challenge you to take a moment and start counting the little blessings in your life and watch joy take over.  Maybe it is only 3 a day....that is okay.  Life isn't perfect.  It is messy.  It is hard and it is Good!  Even in the hard there are joys to count.  I am still counting....maybe just not the numbers.
Loving reminders the best good bye is the quickest one, not to drag them out.
 Camp goodbyes from a bus window
Grace for my late Hockey Player and allowed to play golf
 Squawking birds in the dark hours of a morning and a GOOD dog that puts it out of its misery
 Board games and my children
Water gun fights
Baseball coach husband who coaches practice with water balloons....Best Coach Ever!
Progress on projects
God appointments in Target
Vulnerability and openness
Camping in backyard tents
Being outside with no allergy restrictions for the first time in a year.
    and  Gardening
    and  Watching ball games
    and Going for walks
    and   Just sitting on the porch swing and laying out on the lawn watching the sky
 Hugs from my children
Rubbing, swishing cat tale on my leg with a purr
Little Princess playing volleyball

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