Friday, June 13, 2008

N-Awana Awards Ceremony, First Year Cubbie

Next up is the Awana awards ceremony. What a night that was. Lots of fun. Here N gets his first year Cubbie Award. He was beside himself for several weeks. He kept asking me when he gets to go to his new Cubbie class. It is hard to explain summer break to a four year old. What a transformation though, the first 3-4 weeks he wouldn't speak much less say verses. When he first decided to say a verse, and I quote "God loved us and sent us sisters." Boy that got the teachers to laughing. They couldn't get him to say "His Son", so no award that night. And I had some explaining to do...when we practiced verses I would sometimes change the words to draw him into practicing verses. He came up with some good ones throughout the year. Our funny guy.

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