Friday, February 13, 2009

Gotta love my Man!

And not just because it is Valentine season!

He spent the afternoon and evening hanging with his brothers and Dad and sister-in-laws and the kids. I stayed home and caught up on laundry...another post. Then I went to BINGO! Hmmmm, Bingo is how we pay for hockey. Dear husband normally works 3 nights a month at Bingo. However, this month he wasn't available for 3 nights. Since we needed the hours I had them put me on the schedule...

Oh how I hoped my night in shining armor would rescue me tonight and not make me go. Alas, I knew his time with his family was important... So I went. Oh how I love my son and appreciate my husband and all the work he does for us. Bingo isn't extremely hard, it is just tiring. I walked and walked and walked on hard tile floors all night. My legs are sore. Soon I will snuggle down in the covers for the night.

I have only worked one other time. This time was much easier. I wasn't nearly as overwhelmed as before trying to keep up with all the new lingo. But I am still amazed at how much money people spend on BINGO! Holy Cow! I am grateful to them....they are financing my son's passion for hockey.

Goodnight, I am off to sing B-I-N-G-O till I fall asleep.

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