Monday, February 16, 2009

Laundry adventures at Beach Gardens

I love my washing machine ! ! Love it, Love it! ! Imagine the amount of laundry a family of seven can generate. Imagine the youngest potty training! Then imagine 12 days of no washing machine! I know God was looking out for me cause it was Sat. night, Jan 31 the last load of laundry for the weekend. Thump, thump, thump during dinner. I thought, hmm the washer is unbalanced, that is strange. I open the lid and oh! no! The tub is tilted and not suspended anymore. Not good. But it was during the rinse/spin cycle. It was the last load for the weekend. Sunday, sweet sister-in-law that she is, I went over and finished the rinse cycle of my clothes which equaled 2 loads at her house. I have a mega big wash tub on my machine. A king size comforter will fit in it! When our washer went out 2 years ago ! I bought the biggest, baddest of all machines that was a top loader. I am not for bending over anymore than I have to for laundry. This is my baby...

She was pricey. I also bought the extended warranty. She came with 2 yrs. and I added 4 years onto her. I knew we averaged 15 loads of laundry a week. At least. Often times more.
Blessed warranty...her repairs were covered. However, they didn't have the part in stock, so they must order it. Big Sigh! So one week later I go to the laundry mat to do a week's worth of laundry for 7 people. It can't wait, family is coming into town. My mom was a dear and was in town helping me get ready for the family that was coming. She stayed with the kids while I did laundry. 2 1/2 hours and $24 later the weeks worth of laundry was washed and all but 3 loads had been dried. I dried the remaining 3 loads after I returned home.

$24 for a week's worth of laundry. No sheets, no blankets, no BDUs (my husband's work uniform). 52 weeks a year, that would be $1,248 minimum to do laundry a year at a laundry mat! That is about what I spent on my baby. She is paid for and then some. I no longer wonder if I was crazy to buy this big ole' washing tub. She is worth every penny and then some.
She was fixed 6 days after my trip to the laundry mat. And this is what I had waiting for her, minus a load.... I had to get this maid back to work cause she had plenty to do!

The whole family was excited for laundry to be done. They had to wear, oh my!, something other than their absolutely favorites of favorite shirts! Now they would be able to go back to wear only their favoritest clothes.

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