Sunday, June 7, 2009

Apron Strings !

Way too excited about going to camp this morning. 4 AM this morning the sweetheart was sleep walking. Into our room, she came, asking to wake me up. Her IPOD wasn't working and she needed my help. Definitely sleep walking...coming to me for help?? We spent an hour at a dear friend's house listening and learning from her husband how to deal with the IPOD and ITunes yesterday.
Wonderful husband I have, told her, "Go to bed." She did.
Apron Strings still attached...
Who am I kidding?
Prayers, Instructions and then all she has been waiting to hear.... "Say..... and get on the bus."
All she heard was get on the bus and whoosh she was on the bus. The first part of the instructions were to say good-bye to family. Dad had to stick his head inside the bus to say good-bye. "Oh, bye dad."
This mornning I learned I no longer know how to count. Trying to count mouths to feed at various events today and I kept coming up with 3? D doesn't count cause he has food allergies. How do I keep coming up with 3 heads? I have 5, took me a bit....ah, I am a momma duck of 4 today. Later in the week, I get to go quack, quack and have one come back.

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