Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just keep saying Thank you Lord!

This has been an interesting past 7 days. A week ago, I discovered one of Little Princess's friends broke her hand and was going to have surgery. Tonight at Awana registration, I heard of two more little girls who broke a finger this year. What is with the hands and fingers this month. I am just about to bring out the hockey gloves for the kids to wear. This week has been a lot about the fingers.
Little Princess went for a follow up on her finger early in the week.
We learned then, she was very fortunate. The break stopped just short of the growth plate. He showed me the xray, any further and she would have been in the operating room. He suggested another 2 weeks in a splint. Radiologist didn't recommend that, but he doesn't know Little Princess. In the first week she broke two splints. We made it about 5 days with the 3rd splint when it became covered with chocolate. How does that happen? Who knows? Unless of course, you know our Little Princess then you completely understand. So we tossed it cause she was playing piano with out it typing, etc.
So now for 2 weeks, no hand washing! Antibacterial gel, baby wipes only for her. Doc told her to leave it and the tape on. He also recommended she avoid getting it covered in chocolate. :) He did give us two extra splints, cause he knows Little Princess and these children of mine all too well. Hopefully, this little finger will have more time to heal before it is released back into the wild of this crazy life of ours.

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