Sunday, August 23, 2009

My laundry belongs in a comic strip!

Somedays I feel like I live the Sunday Comics.

Flutter Nutter's Jesus blankie got dirty. So I had to step on it and get the laundry started.

I have been ignoring the laundry for 2 or 3 days now. But I do want Flutter Nutter to go to bed tonight at a decent hour.

So Little Princess gets excited. Cause she has cleaned her room and has lots of laundry for me.
I can't help but roll my eyes as I type. I start sorting the laundry. Little Princess when did you wear this last? I don't know...but I know I wore it! Okay, well I'll wash it....

Little Princess WHEN did you wear this? (I happen to know it was an option for her birthday but she chose something else. How do I know this? Cause I had the pleasure of listening to a looooong explanation about outfit selection, but not by Little Princess, but by the Fun Mom. So, back to when did you wear this? "OH! Sorry!" off to the clean laundry pile.

Little Princess is adorable. She is sweet. She is Miss Bubbles around here. But she would rather not put away laundry. Let it be on the floor and just throw it back into the dirty laundry when she wants a clean room! ARGH!

So I am still sorting and I holler to Hockey Player, "do you have any dirty laundry?"
Hockey Player, "Yes". "Do you like clean underwear?" (my very subtle hint to him to get up and go get the laundry) Very quietly, I am sure he was hoping I wouldn't hear he answered my rhetorical question, "No!" I just wanted to fall over laughing. But I can't, I just can't give in. This is from the same kid, I once upon time had to ask him, why it seemed I never had the opportunity to fold his clean underwear. His response, "I was trying to make less laundry for you by wearing them for a week." AIY ! ! ! To which, I had to respond, please make laundry for me to do. I don't mind washing your laundry. (Total opposite response to Little Princess!)

Not that the other 3 don't have laundry conversations.
Flutter Nutter produces the most laundry of them all. He changes 3-5 times a day. He would jsut assume be naked. Since, half the time we can't find the original outfit cause he has tossed and hid it somewhere we have to pick out yet another one. Or we do find the original outfit and it was wet cause he played in the sink or "something".

Daddy's Buddy.... he is giving me some quiet in this arena for now. He just likes certain clothes. They have to feel a certain way, "cozy" as he calls it. He used to change more than any of the others. Now he is fine with just one outfit a day. But his one outfit serves multiple purposes. Got a shirt? Don't need napkins or tissues.... Need I say more?

Fun Mom well she is 13. 13, need I say more? New outfit for running to the gas station. Another outfit cause she sneezed, oh, my mistake brother sneezed in her direction. Packing for Ireland will be an adventure with her.

Ahhh, Ireland. I will get 9 days of no laundry. I won't get to chuckle and imagine the bubble forming overhead like in the cartoons. On a side note, nothing might be left of the closets and dressers when I get back. Since Big-O-Daddy-O doesn't have any hair to pull out, he just might start throwing away clothes instead of washing them! I do hope he doesn't resort to that option. Shopping with the 5 of them is a whole other cartoon strip. One in which I get carted off to the Happy House!


Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

I go through the same exact thing you do with Princess--always finding clean clothes in her hamper as I sort them.

HS Mom of 4 said...

Funny story. But I am sorry, ladies, I just can't relate. Never went through any of that with any of my kids.