Monday, May 3, 2010

The missing rib....

Today I am wondering about the rib God removed from Adam to make Eve.
What was in that rib?
It must have been more than just a bone.
The differences between boys/men and girls/women are too numerous to count.
Boys mark territory. They pee in places that makes us think they are truly a part of the animal Kingdom. Sooo UNcivilized. For instance Flutter Nutter just filled up a squirt gun and sprayed his sister's bed ?!?! He just keeps getting my finger pointed to his bedroom. Much to his frustration, because he did after all say he was Sorry.
Girls they throw things. Things that can be picked back up and put away or swept up and trashed.
Boys (at least my boys) find blood and gore cool. The messier and more disgusting the bettter. Bodily noises are these guys equivalent to classical music and the symphony.
My boys are constantly in a rumble and bumble over their places in the home. They are constantly trying to be the alpha male in the home. Arms and legs always flying and piled up in the middle of the floor. They say they are wrestling. But whenever I sit down and turn on Animal Planet, I think I am watching home movies of my children.
So what was really in that rib? ?

1 comment:

~Michelle said...

hee hee hee hee...