Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Sis!

The celebration started yesterday. Yesterday, I remembered her birthday was coming up. Well, when I remember something, I just better take care of it. This is especially true about birthdays. I remember birthdays a month before hand, the day before. But, I am notoriously very forgetful on the day of the birthday. I have even forgotten my own children's birthdays, to only be reminded when my husband says Happy Birthday! What kind of mother am I ? ? So the kids and I called and sang to her. She was thrilled we had remembered. She did check with us on the the date, wondering if she was mistaken on what day it was. But, hey, I remembered. But what is even better, I remembered today. I remembered when I was at the doctor's office and I could not call. I remembered when I was unable to use the phone. I talked to her two times and didn't remember to say anything.
Tonight, I remembered and I called just to say, "Happy Birthday!". I was soo excited that I remembered, I just had to tell her how proud I was of myself. Because, after all it is HER birthday, but it is really all about me! All about my memory. My success in getting the call made! My ability to make her laugh! And well now it is me posting this wonderful success with all to read!
But in all honesty, I should share the day with her. She has traveled a very difficult road to get this birthday. In 2003, we almost said good-bye till forever. God knows more than doctors. God has a plan for each and every one of our lives. In my sister's case, His plan did not include welcoming her home in the last 7 years. Her heart might click with each beat, but it is a beautiful musical sound. Her daughters are blessed knowing their mom each and every day God chooses to keep heaven's door closed to her. Every birthday is a precious milestone and celebration. But, it is also a chance for me to work the part of the brain that remembers. So it is also a day to rejoice about me and my memory! Hee Hee, so it only seems right that the OLDER sister share her special day with the younger sister, because after all she is only a sister because of me!

1 comment:

~Michelle said...

rotfl...oh yes, it really is all about you dear sis :)