Thursday, June 24, 2010

So I Um, need to do some shopping

Anyone know where I get a chauffeur outfit. Just the jacket and hat will be fine.
I went to pick up Fun Mom from Apple Bees. Cause, that is where the gang was celebrating after a month of VBS at our sister church. (A month meaning every Wednesday in the month of June). They were running late, so I was EARLY. That is sooo terrible when you are 14, to have your MOM show up early. I encouraged her to wait and get her food to go. She was good natured about leaving, she knew her siblings were sick. She knew Hockey Player was sacrificing big time, by staying awake so I could bring her home. But she very quickly, (without any attitude)deftly told me on the cell phone, "I will be out in just a few minutes. As soon, as my food is ready."

Hmpf, Imagine, horror of horrors, the mother showing up in the same restaurant as the dear daughter and her friends.

So now my new title is Chauffeur. Not mom or mother, just chauffeur. STAY IN THE CAR, mom. Next she will be asking me to drop her off on the opposite side of church cause she can walk around the building to the door.
Trying to laugh, trying to accept. But that apron string stung a little when it was clipped.

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