Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Favorite Things.....Crock Pot

I love! love! love! my crockpot.  Especially on days like today.  If you will notice this post didn't happen yesterday on Tuesday.  We wrapped up last week with a last minute run to immediate care on Friday.  All to discover Dad's Bud had pneumonia.  Not just pneumonia, but the kind that causes the doctor to say we caught it just in time and I am not going to send him to the hospital.  AIY!!  Entrusted with Dad, I headed out of town.  Back into town late Sunday.  School on Monday and so the week has gone.  I was gone much of yesterday afternoon.  Home in time to make dinner. Chili........  While driving I had called Fun Girl and asked her to pull meat out of the freezer for the next 3 days.  Cause that is the kind of week we are going to have and dinner out is not an option.  While chopping bell peppers, onions and crushing garlic for the chili, I do a bit more for a roast.  The roast is still frozen but no worries.  Into the crockpot with the seasonings.  Couple of boullion cubes, red vinegar wine and Worchester sauce and water.  Pop the lid on and stick in the fridge.  As I am sluggish in the morning and trying to teach... I remember dinner.  Sooo as I read aloud, Fun Girl pulls out the crock and puts it in the base and starts that bad boy up.  Dinner in the works.  Normally, I add potatoes and carrots.  I ran out of time last night.  Tonight we will bake potatoes in the microwave and steam some carrots for the braces challenged children and the rest of us, we will crunch away.  I used to have two crock pots.  One base broke. SO now I have two crocks.  It is not uncommon for me to start a dinner up to stick in the fridge while one is cooking.  Cause, that is how we do it around here.  Whatever works, Right? 
Favorite crock pot meals:
Ham and beans
Chicken thighs
Whole chickens
Meat loaf
Rouladon Beef + various veggies I cook it in to make steak and rice (for another day)

(picture by Fun Girl)
Favorite Crock Pot recipe book (other than the internet, of course)
Mable Hoffman's Crockery Cookery
Mable Hoffman's Crockery Cookery
I don't normally buy cookbooks.  This one though, had several recipes in it that I knew would please my family and used ingredients I keep on hand.  So it has been used quite a bit over the years. 

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