Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sisterly TLC

I come home from the doctor's office with Hockey Player last week
and discovered The Man on my couch.
But it wasn't as simple as all that may sound.
He has my bed pillows arranged just so,
providing him with support and cushion while he plays on someone's I touch.
I, of course, wonder who he thinks he is to be able to lay around in such comfort and leisure?
 Instead of laughing,
 I ask in my motherly tone why he is not working on his school work.
He doesn't mention feeling sick or having a cold.
  Instead he very quickly starts his explanation with,
"It was Little Princess's idea!".
Now that was a new one.
  His sister's idea to pamper and fluff her brother.
Yeah, right!?!
Then he story comes out.
 She opened a door, smashed his foot and left a mark on it.
 I am sure the drama and anguish that was displayed was being left out of the report.
 She was sorry and didn't mean to hurt him.
 In an attempt to make it all better she took care of her brother.
 He looks really hurt, doesn't he?
I want a Little Princess for a sibling.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

That is so awesome!!