Thursday, November 22, 2012

Counting to 925.......

901.  Presents wrapped and disguised till their appointed day

Hurts happen, rejection tears at the heart and the pain threatens to overwhelm.
902.  Then I read:
THANK ME THROUGHOUT THIS DAY for My Presence and My Peace.  These are gifts of supernatural proportions.  Ever since the resurrection, I have comforted My followers with these messages: Peace be with you, and I am with you always.Listen as I offer you My Peace and Presence in full measure.  The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank Me for them.  It is impossible to spend too much time thanking and praising Me.  I created you first and foremost to glorify Me.  Thanksgiving and praise put you in proper relationship with Me, opening the way for My riches to flow into you.  As you thank Me for My Presence and Peace, you appropiate My richest gifts.  ~ Jesus Calling
A loving gentle reminder for the day and the turbulent seas calm. 
903. Feeling the sun shine on my face and experiencing God's love
904.  Warm sun
905.  Knowing my Creator finds me acceptable and good enough
906.  Knowing my God and Savior knows my heart
907.  In His eyes I am worthy of His love
908.  Feeling His Presence at all times, good and bad
909.  Prayers of a child, acknowledging God's nature
910.  Discipline turned discipleship as behaviors are discussed in the light of God's words.
911. Child like excitement in my husband as he anticipates carmel rolls
912.  Joy of being able to have pecans for the first time in 6 years on carmel rolls
913.  Day of being homemaker, not home educator
914.  Soaking in God's love
915.  Husband sleeping in the other room
916.  Timely hug
917.  Fun Girl's constant enthusiasm for getting in training time in the pool
918.  Sleepy young man sleeping in late
919.  Crack in the heater caught before carbon monoxide was an issue
920.  Funds to cover the repair
921.  Purr of contented and at peace kitten, recognizing it as a reflection of my heart as well
922.  Clean laundry folded and waiting to be put away
923.  Kittens exploring the out of doors
924.  Boy on a swing, just "hanging" out
925.  Anticipating time with family 

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