Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sparks-A-Rama and sweet conversations

This year, The Man begged and pleaded to do Sparks-A-Rama.  We were not sure what to do.  We knew DaddyO would not be available to take The Man.  Serious skepticism that I could handle the venture.  So The Man took it upon himself to come up with a solution.  He went to big sis, Fun Girl.

The Man:  How much do you make an hour? 
Fun Girl: answers...I don't remember the amount
The Man:  Will you take me to Sparks A Rama?  I will pay you lost wages. 
(Fun Girl life guards on Saturdays)

FG could not turn down such a sweet request.  She told him if we couldn't find a ride, she would take the day off.  Well the day came, I was doing better and there were people to help if needed.  So I took The Man.  I loved watching him every minute I was able.  His smile was infectious.  I didn't make it the whole time.  The noise and activity wore me down and I went to the car for the last 30 minutes or so.  It was so worth it. 
My favorite part of the day was when we were driving to Sparks-A-Rama.  He started talking to me about heaven.  He asked some questions. Then there were some more questions.  There in the parking lot we prayed together and he asked Jesus to be His Savior.  So, so, so, happy to have been with him that morning!!

Getting ready to enter the gym!

Lined up and waiting to start Sparky Crawl!

Grabbing the pin !

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

How wonderful! So glad you were there when he made that decision. Nothing better for a mom to experience.