Thursday, March 26, 2009

He's home!

We are so thankful for the healing hands of our Heavenly Father and the answer to many prayers. I was so struggling with not being at the hospital today. He WANTED DAD, I was the bad guy when I had to restrain him for more IV sticks and I couldn't make the pain go away. When I left his heart rate was really high. One of the last phone calls with Dad, he told me his heart rate was down to 94. A really good sign but I was not able to get excited, I just needed to hear his potassium level. So after 4 potassium infusions, a phosphorus infusion and a magnesium infustion there was more lab work. The doctors would have been happy with a 3.0 level. Norm is 3.5-5.5. God answered in a mighty way with a 4.6 level. Orders for a hgh potassium diet during recovery and follow up with dr. next week but he is home and so happy.
Hmmm, I wonder if our ped is ready for me to get neurotic about gastro intestinal viruses now. I have become neurotic when they catch respiratory infections, thanks to our pneumonia and breathing treatment episodes. I have no clue why this child has to be either well or SICK in a dramatic way.
For now, he is talking and awake and interested in life! Praise the Lord.

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Praising God with you!