Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Being right is not all that it is cracked up to be......

Another Clark record broken in our household. The new record is 3 bones.
It really stinks being right sometimes.
We went to Pump It Up to have our free play time compliments of the summer reading program rewards. Getting out of the car was all we could manage. "I didn't know my finger was there.... If I did I wouldn't of shut the door...." It is so hard to not laugh with a statement like that.

Sure enough I heard the door, then I heard the cry and turned around. Securely stuck between the door and car door frame was Little Princess's middle finger. The door completely shut. She managed to open the door and the tears rolled. One look and I remembered last December. You can check out the scoop here and here.

Unfortunately, her pediatrician is no longer practicing. We have yet to meet her new doctor, a family practice doc. The office was in upheavel as the computer system was down and there was not much left for sympathy. Being the Mom I am, who won't take no for an answer when it comes to something like this, or the other answer...wait till 5:00 for immediate care. I called the pediatrician's office (where they know me and my kids and that I have experience with broken bones and cuts needing stitches. They know I am not likely to be over reacting.) and asked if there was anyway to get her in.... Yes! only an hour and half wait. Still have to go home and deposit kids with big sis and get the motrin. They had plenty of sympathy left to pour out on her even though the computers were down. Gotta love pediatricians. I sure hope our doc's office get the girls a woman pediatrician soon.

No pictures this time. She got her nails done yesterday with her cousin Tricia. So we can't see how beautiful her natural nail color is this time. But doc believes she will lose the nail on this one as well. It took her thumb almost 6 months to grow back all the way. One less finger nail to trim, I guess. She did ask me this afternoon to not talk with anyone about it. I giggled and said, "You can't hide it babe, the splint is BIG." "I know..." So with all the love and sensitivity I could muster, I asked, "Can I put it on my blog? "
And well......she said, "I guess."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you are such a mean mom. tell her now i know. :-) i could just hear her saying i guess.