Monday, September 21, 2009

I am married to an I T guy...

You know how many email addresses he has? I don't either. He doesn't. He can't remember his user names and creates new accounts.

I just asked if he got my messages.... which one did you send it to? he asked. I told him his Fantasy Football one. "Oh, I created a new one, I couldn't remember what it was."

He does IT for a living. All you out there that need help longing on to your computer. Don't call Big-O-Daddy-O. I will save you the time on hold. Just create a new account!

1 comment:

Nichole "Nikki" Warren said...

My husband is an IT guy too. He remember's his passwords and stuff, but he's always changing it cause either someone got an account info that he doesn't want to have, it has to much spam, etc. He also has certain accounts for certain things, etc. It's just drive me crazy! I don't ask any more. When He tells me to email him something, I just ask: To what account? LOL

I have a few myself, but NOTHING like what my DH has.