Thursday, December 17, 2009

and then there are the conversations had with Mom!

I just posted about the pretty quick witted conversation of son #2 with Dad.
I on the other hand get an entirely different realm of conversations.
Last night I heard, "MOOOOOoooooooooooooooMMMMMMMMM!"
It was Flutter Nutter.
In the bathroom.
FN: "I ate chicken nuggets and hotdogs and this is what came out."
Mom: "oh"
What could I say. I shooed him out of the bathroom, turned on the fan and sent him to get his jammers on. Too bad, BigODaddyO wasn't home for that one. Maybe he could have come out with some magical parenting wisdom.
Guess that will be one lesson we don't need to cover in Human Anatomy and Biology.

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