Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The humility that comes with teaching...

So off to the library we go today.
Our mission: to find books for a research paper.
I only had the 2 fourth graders.
While driving, I thought I would introduce the dewey decimal system and the card catalog to my students.
It started with, when I was your age we had a wooden dresser like cabinet full of drawers...
There are non-fiction and fiction books. Fiction is arranged alphabetically by author's last name.
Non-fiction is arranged by topic. Enter explanation of dewey decimal system and the card catalog. And.. when I was your age I had to learn what the numbers meant and memorize them. Today that is not necessary because of the computer. It is so much faster than the card catalog ever was.
At the library, I direct my eager pupils to the computer (aka card catalog).
I cannot seem to pull up what I am looking for.
Dewey decimal numbers all over the place. Hmmm, this isn't going quite so smoothly.
I finally look at these two young men and say, "The most important lesson today is: when all else fails ask the librarian!"
So off we go. She takes us back to the computer and shows me the best page to do the search on.
She then starts explaining, this book will be on sociology of the country you are looking for, this one will be on the religions of this country. Hmmm, all back to the Dewey Decimal System. Guess I need to re-memorize those numbers.

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