Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Growing Pains

Hockey Player introduced us to the world of growing pains about 8 years ago. Middle of night tears, sobs more like it. Legs that hurt. We eventually went to get him checked out by a doctor to make sure all was okay.
We were told that Hockey Player could be growing up to a 1/4 of an inch a day!
During the day, all was good but when he relaxed at night, ligaments and tendons would be stretched. Pain reliever and warm baths before bed would help.
Every once in a while Flutter Nutter has similar pains.
But most recently his growing pains are located on his brow. Now that he is getting taller, his head is the perfect height to catch door knobs, kitchen counters, and other perfectly placed hard spots around our home.
Tonight, he nailed the door knob coming into the house.
Mom: "It's tough getting taller isn't it?"
FN: "I don't want to get taller!"
Unfortunately, getting taller is the only cure for his current growing pains.

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