Tuesday, April 20, 2010

** New Looks for Spring **

This past weekend, we had girl time.
I had one girl asking to garage sale. Another wanting/needing shoes. I had a few errands and a hair appointment. While I was having my hair moment the girls checked out the books. Both found styles they just adored.
But there was absolutely no way, I would get their hair cut without consulting Dad. Dad wasn't answering his phone. So we tried Papa. Papa said NO!, he liked long hair. Eventually Dad returned our calls.
If you have seen the recent spring videos of the girls, you will notice their hair was much longer than it is now. I knew these changes would be coming, it would just take a day when we were all ready and could put the girls in hands we could trust. I am chicken when comes to changing hair styles. I just don't want to go for it and have it turn out not like I hoped. But I was the one encouraging shorter, shorter, a little more shorter. Wonderful hair stylists who knew how to compromise between mom and daughter and how to get a cut that works for a girl's/mom's lifestyle and hair type. My girls are thrilled! That is what counts the most!
5 inches and 7 inches later, dad has survived and likes his girls' new looks!
We haven't seen grandpa yet, don't know if he will survive this or not!


Cav5Mom said...

Beautiful Girls!

~Michelle said...

The haircuts look great Mae