Friday, July 23, 2010

Flutter Nutter and His 'the girl'

Flutter Nutter is related to his mom. He has a hard time remembering names.
But this time.... well, **sigh**, he really blew it.
FN: "Could you get the basket down, me and the girl want to play a game?"
"The Girl"'s Mom: What's the girl's name?
FN: I dunno.
TG's Mom: Better go ask the girl her name, cause if you are going to buy her a house, you kinda need to know here name. She's gonna want her name on the house.
FN: Okay

The house story can be found here.

Here's Pics of "THE GIRL" and Flutter Nutter!

1 comment:

Cav5Mom said...

I love The Boy and The Girl!
They are way cute :)