Friday, July 23, 2010

Gus has been Naughty !

Our newest family member is not enjoying the absences of his boy or girl much at all this week.
He has discovered he can jump the fence and escapes several times a day.
He doesn't go far, but I am sure he is wondering where his two play buddies have gone. The rest of us try to spend some time loving on him, but it just isn't the same as the bond he has formed with Hockey Player and Little Princess. Sure hope he stops the fence jumping once they are home and hanging out with him in the backyard once again.
I took him for a walk the other night along with the other 3. I fed him Flutter Nutter's ice cream... FN didn't want it, it was melting faster than he could eat it. Poor Gus, didn't realize my hand wasn't part of the ice cream sandwich. He didn't hurt me, but he was a little sheepish. Then I offered my hand to him to lick clean and he misunderstood again. Boy was he disappointed with me. Licking my hand clean was not something he thought was his job. He was a good dog to walk. He kept pace with me. When I took him off the leash, he didn't run off, just stayed right there. The only problem we had was when a boy came along Hockey Player's age, he started after him. I'm sure he was hoping for some boy time. He came back when I called him.
He has been entertaining himself and us. When he doesn't know we are looking he acts like a complete dork with his bone. Dancing, bouncing and twisting all over the place with his bone in his mouth. He will go to hide it and check to see if we are looking and sure enough we are and quickly changes his mind and heads in another direction. He has loved the sprinklers. He gets even goofier when they are on.
So if you are wondering, he is still fitting in with this family, that long ago decided it wasn't a family made for pets.

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