Saturday, August 20, 2011

More Quoteables, Courtesy of Flutter Nutter

I love the minds of children.  Especially the younger ones, it is amazing to hear their perspectives on life and the world. 
In the car...
Flutter Nutter:  Daddy's Buddy and I are different.  Daddy's Buddy snores and I breathe.

so hard to not snicker a bit. 

Flutter Nutter:  Stop laughing! I am trying to breathe !  I don't want to die !
a few more snickers
trying so hard to be quiet.

Flutter Nutter:  I am serious, don't laugh!  I don't want to die.

few  minutes later;

FN:  I am still breathing.

Whew, that is a relief.  Cause we like our Flutter Nutter and want to keep him around for a long time.

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