Thursday, August 18, 2011

Waiting can be so rewarding

Two weeks ago, we welcomed this beauty to our home!  I am so excited.  When we bought our home 14.5 years ago, I knew this wall would be perfect for a piano.  Our baby was only 6 months old.  I didn't play piano, but the wall would be a perfect frame for a piano.  Fast forward a few years...Fun Mom takes violin lessons.  She really wants to take piano.  We buy a keyboard and get started on lessons for her, Hockey Player and Little Princess.  Then we inherit Grandmama's keyboard.  One upstairs, one downstairs and that helps with the competition for time to practice.  Few years later, Fun Mom really wants a piano.   I am overwhelmed by the idea.  How do we find one?  How do we know if it is any good and not beyond being able to tune?  How would we get it into our home?  So I casually look.  Grandpa D finds out and he starts casually keeping an eye out.  We have looked at a few over the years.  Then two weeks ago, our church has their annual garage sale.  Fun Mom loves the sound it makes.  It looks great.  Has a bench and is a price we can afford.  Amazing part is the guys at church volunteer to deliver it.  Hubby works nights.  We don't know anyone who would be able to help during the day.  They are all amazed I know exactly where I want it.  Hubby wants to know what other secrets I am keeping from him.  I have never told him how much I wanted a piano.  Why put a pressure on him for something the time wasn't right for? 
I am in awe of God's tender loving kindness to me and my family.  He has answered the longing of my heart.  Filled the empty spot in my home.  Answered the desires of my children.  Filled my home with music.  Not a day goes by that someone doesn't just sit down and start playing.  When they stop, someone else will drift in and start playing.  4 piano players in my home and we may be adding a fifth here in a year or so.  I am beyond blessed.

1 comment:

Cav5Mom said...

Looks good! Can't wait to hear it.