Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ugly Hands ????

So it has been an incredibly long day.  I was only home for 30 minutes out of a 13 hour day.
I sure miss being home.  But it was one of those days.  Errands had to be done.  The meeting was supposedly mandatory, but........ made no sense to us and we were free to leave early.  However, hubby and I decided to not go home.  We decided to plug the laptop in at McD's and use their Wi-Fi and have a little Parent/Teacher Meeting.  We never get alone time at home, not with Hubby's work hours.  So we talked for an hour uninterrupted, headed home.  But I stayed only a 1/2 hour.  More to get done.  And then it was time to go work for hockey $$$.  Oh, how I love my boys. Hubby and I volunteer (?) our time for the hockey association in exchange for $$$ to be deposited into an account for hockey expenses.  It was my turn to work.  Got home and was tired. 
Decided to soak in the tub.  For a REALLY long time.  I happened to look at my feet and then my hands.  I couldn't help the memory from rushing back.  Flutter Nutter taking a bath and started crying.  He was looking at his hands and was very upset.  "MY HANDS ARE UGLY!!!!"  No amount of consoling would work.  He had played long enough to get wrinkly.  The sight of his feet just made things worse.  It didn't take long in his very short life to determine he liked showers better.  Showers don't turn your feet and hands ugly.  This time, my hands were ugly and all I could think was, in a few more years, they may look like that for always.  But that is okay, cause I will still enjoy soaking for a long time. 

But it such a sweet memory of my Flutter Nutter's innocence, I can't help but record it. 

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