Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My Joy Dare finds me at 109 and sometimes I just want to keep counting.  Here are just a few since I left off at 40
43.  A goofy dad that just can't help himself
51. (A grace in the kitchen) no dishes, Dinner is bought for us, a self-motivated princess empties the dishwasher just because!
58.  Lessons learned in washing feet.  The work that is done in my heart.
62.  Learning that Trust is my staff for the difficult parts of the journey
64.  When my mind wanders, He knows and He understands
71.(a gift before 9 am)  The comfort of banking from my warm bed.
72. (a gift before 2 pm) The last minute thought to grab Granny's hat before leaving
83.  20 year old friendships that are alive and beautiful
89.  No stitches needed
92. (3 things overheard) Daddy's Buddy reading aloud while his dad and I are parent-teacher conferencing
93. Christmas carols in February sung by Little Princess
101 Snuggly blankets
102 Birthday mail
105 Paper roses
106 My teapot
109 A new to him car and his joy in sharing in it

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