Thursday, August 16, 2012

It makes me kinda wonder....

Hmmm, I just rediscovered this post that I never posted...

Tonight, I was in the mode to make waffles for dinner. But then my tummy started flip flopping. ?? Haven't figured that one out. Unless, of course it was meant for another wonderful blogging tale to share. :) So I am doubled over and not sure what is wrong and I holler for Fun Mom to help start the waffles. Seeing, we have to be on the road in 40 minutes, at least a few of the crew would get started on dinner.

Little while later Fun Mom, comes in to share the time with me. I tell her I will do my best to get her to church on time. Still doubled over.

She comes back about 5 minutes later, very calmly.

"Mom, there was flames shooting out of the back of the waffle iron. I unplugged it, nothing else was damaged. The flames got close to the cookbook and cd player, but they are fine. "

Totally dumbfounded, trying to pull myself together. I had her run some water in the bathtub, put the waffle iron in the water (not plugged in, of course) and out the door we went.

Call Big-O-Daddy-O.

Tell him, I am trying to decide what to do about dinner. Seeing there was a fire in the kitchen, do I go buy a new waffle iron or do a drive-thru?

BODO: "Ummm, is the kitchen ok??"

I had to quickly explain the fire to him.

He is relieved and said it was a drive-thru night.

But what gets me is the calmness of my daughter. I think she has lived in this family too long. Is that possible? Is our life so eventful, that she doesn't freak out when there is a fire in the kitchen? I knew she had first aid down pat when she started bringing the neighbor kids down the street to our house to patch them up, but this...???

So I am trying to figure how many fires we have had in our kitchen...

I can only think of one in the oven. God was gracious and merciful, because shortly before that one happened, I had read an article about kitchen fires. It said if there was a fire in the oven, keep the door shut and it will extinguish itself. It did! !

So now I wonder what God might be preparing Fun Mom for in life?

Disaster Relief

Crisis Intervention/Prevention

Emergency Room Worker of some kind

A mother to a brood of wild and crazy children, more so than her siblings

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