Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hubbie is a little tired today...

Our Parent Teacher Conference was canceled today. 
Hubbie was a bit tired. 
I wouldn't care to guess why...

This is what we did on Saturday:

Up and deposited Fun Girl at work first thing in the morning &
Hockey Player to the church for training.
Yard Work
Trip to the store to :
Search for special lightbulbs for the basement....gotta have light to do school
Parts to repair the stairway gate
Curtain rods for his daughter's rooms
Pick up Hockey Player, cause shopping took just that long!
Meanwhile I am taking pictures for Ebay
Running the dishwasher (mind you...we did 4 loads of dishes on Saturday... there were some left from the night before...breakfast, then we did a massive leftover feed for lunch and that alone produced enough dishes for a load)
The laundry machines are running as well.

Hung the curtain rods and curtains !  What a guy. ;)
Fixed the gate
Replaced the basement lightbulbs.  The Man enthusiastically noticed and said a glorious Thank You to his dad.
Due to a lack of rain and childish curiousity which led to unplugging the sump pump, our sump pump has not run all summer.  Not a good thing.  The water has become stagnant.  Thankfully, it was discovered before the house started to smell.  Stirring the water to flush it out, there was some odor, but the house vented really quickly. 

Trip to the nursing home to see Granny.  Her birthday was Friday.  84!
Cheesecake and a song were on the agenda.

Lots of Smiles.  If we didn't reflect back on the happenings of the day or stop to look at the photos.  An hour of smiles and relationship could easily be lost in the business.

Home to work on Home School Planning and Preparations.  We managed to get through 4 kids' studies. 
While Daddy O was working on all the above, I was cleaning...purging and recycling old school stuff and.........
packaging up Ebay items we have sold.
Kids worked on various chores and played games together. 
Hockey Player cleaned up all his old hockey gear.  The younger brothers have found their own paths and no longer desire to follow big brother in hockey.  So it is time to sell brother's stuff.
Stomped down the recycle bin more than twice....and filled it some more. 

Picked up our Fun Girl from work. 
More work.
Showers...cause church is in the morning and we can't have smelly children. :)
Kids folded all the laundry from the weekend! 
Daddy-O reserved an hour to watch the fastest men in the Olympics.
And then we crashed....

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