Friday, August 10, 2012

Sisters and Brothers, treasures from God

Big O Daddy O was trying to get Hockey Player to decide if he wanted to go to a Hockey Clinic the other day.
Kind of shocking that we were having trouble getting a response out of him.
He is thinker and we were trying not to push, but we were baffled. 
Little while later, he comes into the room where I am working and asks,
"Doesn't Little Princess get back around 6:30?"  Mental check and it is around 6:00. 
Nope. She gets back sometimes after 9:30.
"Oh, that's right. I do remember reading that somewhere."
Little Princess has been at an amusement park all day.
I am onery enough, I asked him, "You missing your sister."
HP: No
Mom: You missing your sister... yes there was serious teasing in my voice.
HP: No, it is just different with her gone all day.
WHOAAA this momma is enjoying this, cause she was gone to camp not so long ago and this wasn't the daily scenario!  Aha!  my boy actually likes his sister.
Hey, Big O Daddy O guess what!!!???!!
Of course BODO being sometimes more intuitive responds with, "So that is what the problem is?" 
Referring to why we can't get a response out of Hockey Player about the clinic.
So then Big o Daddy O gets in on it and asks him, "You miss your sister? "
HP: Yeah! said all quietly and Hockey Player like.
She is going to be gone for a while, you want to go play hockey?
No decision was made till later, they had to go to the rink to take care of Hockey business.  Later, I saw the debit transaction.  He did get on the ice. 
But I am ever so grateful for a glimpse into this kid's heart.
Willing to forgo hockey for his sister.  Willing to hear all about her adventures.  Something to hold on to and treasure.

This momma's dream is that her kids will be the bestest of friends forever.  It does my heart good to know they enjoy the company of one another.  Went to pick up Little Princess later that night and I let her in on a little secret....Your big brother missed you.  Her response, "That feels good to know. " 

My momma's heart is full.


~Michelle said...


HS Mom of 4 said...

Amen to that, Sister! I can tell you it is a truly wonderful feeling to see your adult children being good friends with each other, choosing to spend time with each other, calling just to check up on the other. I am so blessed when I see J&D doing those things.