Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dusty days

I was suprised last week by the sky.
I have to admit it was very unsettling to witness the dirtiness and dinginess of the skyline.
Used to clean, clear blue skies occassionally filled with fluffy clouds.

When storms are brewing, the skies are shades of gray and dark and sometimes, yellow.
It is okay because much needed moisture is on the way.

The sky this day promised nothing of the kind.

It was shades of browns and only promised dryness, dirt and thirstyness.

I caught myself wondering if this is what the Great Plains looked like during the Dust Bowl.
Gritty eyes, and the feel of dust on my skin after just a short time outside.  A short time meaning, the short distance between my vehicle and the door a couple of times because I ran a few errands.
I looked out back and saw our poor Gus.  A beautiful black fur coat was now coated in brown.  Even he was unable to escape the air and wind around us.  I didn't have the energy to let him in.  He would only shake and roll and create more cleaning.  So out he stayed, though I think a child or two may have rescued him and put him in the garage for a while. 

Yet in my sleepless nights of late, I can't help but think how much our spiritual lives can be illustrated in this one day.  My life.  In my sheltered, 25 square mile, little circle of the world I get covered by the dust of this world and bring it home.  The every day sameness, busyness and sometimes monotonous life gets to me and before long my life seems dusty, brown and dirty.  I long for something more and my focus is no longer on what is before me, I neglect the housekeeping of my heart and it gets dusty.

The dust

It gets in my eyes and affects how I see everything around me.  Instead of gratitude for my home and I see chores that just won't take of themselves.. Instead of a home filled with God's blessings, I see messes and monotony.

It makes me sneeze.  It is uncomfortable and my body tries to get rid of it.  My mind tries to reject the negative attitudes, but there is just enough lingering to..... 

Stir up my allergies. I become sick and weak in my attempts with the Lord and the simple act of breathing becomes difficult and it is work to get my focus back. 

Sometimes I need the help of medicine, a good dose of Divine intervention, to get me back on track.
In the meantime, my life just looks dingy and dry and thirsty. 

It is missing the crisp colors of freshness and renewal. 

Even in the dark days of adversity, a dusty spiritual life misses the promise of renewal and a thirst that is quenched.

Oh, don't let it be so...........

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