Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being able to see and more.........

Hmmm, driving home from Jenks, Oklahoma, I discovered home much of a MidWest girl I am.
 I like the wide open spaces. I love seeing the horizon that includes land and sky.
Not much for a landscape that includes lots of brick buildings, sidewalks and being underground. I have visited those places and was struck by how obstructed my view of God's creation was by all that man made.
 Some call me a city girl, because I am not much of a fan of dust and dirt and I am allergic to most things that pollinate.
In my fairy tail world missing dirt, dust and spiders, I am a Country Girl.
I like the views.
I enjoy gazing upon God's nightly paintings I the sky.
I realized on the same drive I am the girl that likes daylight.
I don't like to drive in the dark.
 I don't like not being able to see the horizon.
  I like to know what is ahead.
I can say the same thing about Life.
I don't like the feeling that I am driving off into oblivion.
I don't like suprises. I want to know what is going to happen.
It is hard to trust the road is going to be there especially when speeding down the road at highway speeds or that nothing will jump out in front me.
Sometimes it is hard to trust that God really knows what He is doing.
Sometimes it is hard to know what it is God would have me to do.
 I fret and worry and pray God will get me home in one piece.
 It has gotten a little easier over the years, but not much. I just don't like it.
I don't like not being able to see what it is ahead.
And Each and Every Time 
I arrive, it is with a sigh of relief and a readiness to rest.
And a gladness that I am Home
I think Heaven is going to be at least a little bit, just like that.  

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