Monday, January 14, 2013

Counting to 1000

976.  God's protection
977.  My children's prayers over me, for my hurting heart and hurting head...healing.
978.  A daughter to drive us around
979.  Christmas break
980.  Sister in Laws who cross town and drive to hospitals
981.  Tylenol
982.  Kids who accept the inconvenience of life and know we will get there eventually
983.  Tears, the help the soul
984.  Christmas morning at home
985.  Contentment
986.  Good memories
987.  Cousin time in KC
988.  Flipping and jumping and giggling on hotel beds. (a No-No, but the memory still brings a smile)
989.  Dinner out and Hockey Player finishing off all the leftovers...will this boy ever fill his hollow leg?
990.  Clear roads and skies
991.  Forgiveness and acceptness
992.  Hugs and more hugs
993.  Hand holding and eyes that search
994.  Crazy expressions and laughing with my parents
995.  Memories of hiking mountains
996.  Sleeping in
997.  Friends who bring meals just because
998.  Friends who call and text because they know tis hard right now
999.  Immune systems kicking in and kids are recovering
1000.  18 years of marriage. 

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