Monday, January 14, 2013

Counting to 975.....

951.  Watching the Cosby show with mom and kids
952.  Routine of bible reading
953.  The opportunity to love by reading aloud
954.  Dollar day and a movie with my mom to calm her nerves
955.  Prayers being said and being answered
956.  Walks with grandson and grandma
957.  Naps for the weary
958.  Intuitive Princesses
959.  Curls
960.  Moments of thanks, deep rooted gratefulness and love not ever seen before
961.   Calling Little Princess by name
962.  Dad's Bud growing up in the kitchen and making Jello alone
963.  Uncomplaining helper in the home
964.  Husband who comes and sits with me in the quiet of the night as I cry and share my heart
965.  Pile of blankets finished and ready to be used
966.  The curiousity of my children as I little I do it these days.
967.  Bills paid...and the funds to pay them
968.  Lasagnas in the freezer
969.  Day of cookie making and laundry achieved !
970.  Stocking stuffers paid with register rewards and Walgreens points
971.  Another Christmas order paid for with swagbucks.
972.  God's creativity in stretching our Christmas budget.
973.  Packages secretly appearing under the tree
974.  Cold dog noses
975.  God provides in just the perfect measure for each day

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