Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Duck, Duck, Goose....and many blessings around

Still Counting the things that bring me joy and gifts from God.  In January, the kitchen at church was being cleaned out.  A whole bunch of expired bread was going to be thrown out.  I knew I had a busy day the next day with some lag time in between appointments, but not enough time to do anything productive.  I volunteered to share the bread with the local birds.  I have a favorite spot at Sedgwick County Park on the north end, it is full of these ladies and gentlemen.  One of my favorite things to do with the kids over the years.  Haven't done it for several years. The weather was beautiful.  Something therapeutic about being outside and watching and experiencing God's creation.  Thank you GB for sharing the bread with us.  We had a great time. 

Hockey Player preferred his spot in the van. 

Dad's Bud found a quiet spot to himself and the birds.

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