Monday, September 15, 2008

Are hockey moms like pit bulls except they wear lipstick?

So that is what I was asked this last week. I don't know that hockey moms are all that different from other moms. I think when it comes to your kids, a mom that cares becomes a pit bull. Sometimes we call ourselves Momma bear! Now when our kids try our patience we might become one of those cannibal mother like creatures that want to eat the child that annoys us. Thankfully our children are so adoreable we just send them to their rooms or laugh and roll our eyes so they are able to live another day.
In the case of this hockey mom, it can be just "whatever we have to do to leave the ice rink! "

This weekend was hockey registration for the new season. Mind you, I don't think hockey season ever ended as there were endless clinics and practices since March when the season supposedly ended. So how they can have new season registration I have no idea. So for the last 3 weeks we have shopped for new ice skates. No picnic for mom, cause she has to do all this with all the children in tow. A 2 - 4- 7- year old who love to check out the sticks, knock them over, check out the "supports" for guys. Oh what fun! Then they disappear somewhere into the building. Why do Dads get the joy of shopping with just the child in need of shopping? So that said we found the skates. Put them on hold till we can get our Bingo voucher. Piece of cake!

Oh no, I have to go garage sale-ing where I learn from another hockey mom there is going to be an amazing sale on hockey skates on the day of registration. Someone is bringing in brand spanking new Bauer skates and selling them for $20. Their warehouse closed and they need to empty the building!

So at said registration, dear son is pulled from dry land practice to try on skates. "skates are more comfortable than ones downstairs." "I like these." Yes, like them enough to buy 2 pair, one to grow into? "yes". Great what a deal $300+ of skates for $40. On the ice practicing while mom gets new skates sharpened. Open ice time after practice, tryout new skates. "they pinch my feet all over!" "can't skate in them" Been at the ice rink for 4 hours now REGISTERING! and getting ready for the new season when the old hasn't even ever ended!

Fine, try on original skates we wanted but get on the ice in full gear and try them first ! ! !
Yeah, we now have skates and mom has ebay work. Cause what are we going to do with 2 pairs of skates that are too heavy and wide for this kid's feet.

So no, I didn't send him to his room. I didn't eat him. I sent him on the ice. I then made him help with chores when he got home and I got a chocolate

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